Friday, August 23, 2019

CImplement Monitoring AR

Monitoring AR

I wanted to do a stock-take of how my students have done AR for a longer period of time, March to August, though probably only 4 months or less altogether. I tabulated the table of data below from AR student record reports from AR for that period of time. 

The average % correct (APC) from the quizzes of the five individual students were fairly good. There were two students at the ideal APC (85 - 95%) and the other three were just below that ideal APC, that's OK. I perceived that as the reading comprehension levels indicated were fairly high. It's telling me that the students generally understood what they read fairly well. A good indication that the main outcome for the purpose of this inquiry! That also implied that students selected and read books at the right ZPDs that they were in. They were reading books not too difficult or challenging for them. That was pleasing to see.

However, when looking at the number of books they read within that period of time, a vast difference began to appear between the students. One student read 50 books, though only 44 quizzes were passed. Then the number of books read by the other four ranged from only 12 - 20 books. For me this implied that one student was very consistent and committed to his reading, that is, he spent more time reading. That is one good practice of AR. The other students were not particularly pleasing. They spent less time in reading, if they did not read, their reading comprehension therefore was not impacted well. 

That got me interested to talk to the students about it. I decided to get them involved in reviewing their individual AR reading and explained the what and why. I printed their student record reports for those months and asked them to have a look and come up with reasons why they differed in the number of books they read within that period of time. Why did one continue to read while the other fours slacked in their reading?

That was an opportunity for students to have a good look at why and how they have been managing and being responsible for their own reading. For me that was a formative form of assessment where the students stopped and reviewed, and then decided how they could do better in their AR as a form of extensive reading. 

I thought that after students individually reviewing their reading, we'll have a discussion or I'll give them a student voice on the why and how they could improve. 

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