Monitoring Extensive Reading - AR
Two changes I decided to make in my teaching regarding AR. First, I decided to first check that my inquiry students read the right levels of books for them, that is, that they read at the right ZPDs. Reading at the right ZPDs is one of the best practices of AR. Evidently, students who read AR books at the right level of difficulty are bound to increase their comprehension. Because there are few of them, it's easy to check their ZPDs before they continue to read. Below was an example of checking Linda's ZPD.
The second change I decided to do toward AR was to read with my inquiry students when it was their in-class reading time. Normally, I would tell them that it was their AR reading time and leave them there to read, while I sit at my computer and do work of my own. From what they told me before that sometimes instead of reading they went to the internet and did other stuff. But because they were pretty quiet, I thought they were just reading. I thought that by reading with them, my inquiry students would realise that reading was important that I even stopped what I would normally do and read. I thought that by modelling that, my students would be more keen to read and not wasting time as they told me before.
I must admit that it was not easy to make that change, especially it was a chance to catch up with some work of my own while the student do their reading. It was my hope that I'd grow to love doing it as much as my students doing it with me.
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