Tuesday, September 17, 2019

CImplement Dive Deep into Text - Non-Fiction Explanation

Non-Fiction Intensive Reading

Natural Disasters

Again this text is related to environmetal disasters, factors that have effects on the environment. There can be human or natural factors that affect the enviornment. This text discusses natural factors that affect the environment, and are referred to as natural disasters. This is related and relevant to current issues and events happening about climate change.

I fee that this text is well above the level of my inquiry learners, but I intend it to be a part of comprehensible input (i + 1) provided for these learners to be exposed to as part of their language and content learning.

Teacher and students read the text together using 'talk to the text' strategy and engaged on developing speaking skills too.

Text Type:  Natural Disasters (Introduction)
An Explanation non-fiction - Content-based Text
To dive-deep into text using ‘talk to the text’ strategy
To learn about non-fiction content based text, content from context
To focus on learning content-specific vocabulary (more academic words)
To learn more about summarising 
Language Skills
Listen to teacher reading the text
Questioning and discussion while reading the text
As stated in the outcomes above.
Writing a summary as an output.
1) Read and discuss the text with students (talk-to the text)
2) Focus on learning specific-content vocabulary
3) Summarize ideas in the text 
'Talk to the Text' - Student Works

  Student 5 Work

Student 2 Work

  Student 4 Work

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